29 дек 2018

Time, Another Brick in the Wall, Mother, Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd lover guitar voice, Pantheon

Сергей Курдин
Сергей Курдин
Нормаль мужик зажёг! Но представители италь. мафии не дали играть!
Сергей Усов
Сергей Усов
Козлы, он вам что , мешал. Уроды.
Виктор Коваль
Виктор Коваль
Парень отбивает деньги у музейной мафии--им это не по нраву. В РФ,наверное уже бы давно его скрутили наши космонавты
Виктор Коваль
Виктор Коваль
А публика могла бы и встать на защиту музыканта
Time, Another Brick in the Wall, Mother, Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd lover guitar voice, Pantheon
Time, Another Brick in the Wall, Mother, Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd lover guitar voice, Pantheon
Time, Another Brick in the Wall, Mother, Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd lover guitar voice, Pantheon
Time, Another Brick in the Wall, Mother, Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd lover guitar voice, Pantheon
Time, Another Brick in the Wall, Mother, Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd lover guitar voice, Pantheon
Time, Another Brick in the Wall, Mother, Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd lover guitar voice, Pantheon
Time, Another Brick in the Wall, Mother, Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd lover guitar voice, Pantheon
Time, Another Brick in the Wall, Mother, Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd lover guitar voice, Pantheon
Time, Another Brick in the Wall, Mother, Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd lover guitar voice, Pantheon
Time, Another Brick in the Wall, Mother, Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd lover guitar voice, Pantheon
Time, Another Brick in the Wall, Mother, Comfortably Numb, Pink Floyd lover guitar voice, Pantheon